Choose the appropriate heat pump system based on your needs, budget, and available energy sources (air source, ground source, or water source). Consult with a professional HVAC contractor to help you make the right choice.

  • Underfloor Heating installation

    Planning and Design: Determine the areas where you want to install underfloor heating and create a detailed plan. Consider factors such as the type of flooring, insulation, and heat output requirements. Consult with a professional installer or heating engineer to ensure the system meets your needs.

  • Air conditioning

    Assessment and Planning: Evaluate your cooling needs and assess the suitability of different air conditioning options based on factors such as the size of the space, insulation, and budget. Determine whether a central air conditioning system or a ductless mini-split system is more appropriate for your nee

  • Unvented Systems

    Unvented Cylinder: The heart of an unvented system is the unvented cylinder, which is a heavily insulated tank that stores and heats the hot water. The cylinder is usually made of stainless steel and is equipped with a pressure relief valve and other safety devices to ensure safe operation.

  • Solar Panels

    Determine the suitability of your property for solar panel installation. Consider factors such as the available roof space, orientation, shading, and local sunlight conditions. Assess your energy needs and financial considerations to determine the size and number of solar panels required.

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9:00 am – 6:00 pm

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Established experience in any field is valuable, especially in a specialized area like heating and plumbing. With a decade of knowledge and expertise, RK Heating & Plumbing is likely well-versed in a wide range of heating and plumbing systems, installation techniques, repairs, and maintenance procedures.

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